
This five course, 14-17 credit pathway is designed for students who wish to explore careers in aquaculture of shellfish, finfish, and algae. With Maine’s aquaculture industry on the rise, skilled workers are in demand. These courses combine hands-on experience with multiple aquaculture methods with a preparation in the science and business skills needed in the workforce.

Certificate Requirements (listed in suggested course sequence):

  • BIO 136:  Intro to Aquaculture* (3 credits)
  • BIO 117:  This is Life (4 credits)
  • ENG 101:  Composition and Presentation I (3 credits)
  • BUS 111:  Introduction to Business & Entrepreneurship (3 credits)
  • BIO 236:  Aquaculture Internship* (1-4 credits)

*On-campus only.

This pathway may lead to programs in a variety of majors at UMaine Machias, including:

B.A. in Biology with concentrations in:

  • Fisheries Biology
  • Wildlife Biology
  • Pre-professional

B.S. in Marine Biology with concentrations in:

  • Marine Ecology
  • Aquaculture
  • Coastal Conservation

A.A. in Liberal Studies with a concentration in:

  • Aquaculture
  • Marine Biology

Completion of these majors allows students to pursue careers in fields such as:

  • Aquaculture and fisheries
  • Biology and genetics
  • Conservation and resource management
  • Outreach and environmental education
  • Laboratory and field research
  • Health sciences, pharmacy and medicine
  • Interpretive naturalist (for museums, aquaria etc.)
  • Secondary education
  • Shellfish, finfish, or seaweed farmer
  • Veterinary medicine

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Click here to learn more about UMaine Machias’s Marine Science Field Station.