Residence Hall Information and Rates

Please read the below information before attempting to apply for housing.

  • Will I have a roommate?
    • Yes, it is likely that incoming students will be assigned a roommate. We have a limited number of single rooms, so they are available on a first come, first serve basis.
    • Medical singles are available. Please contact Student Accessibility Services (207-255-1228 and for more information.
  • When will I find out my room assignment?
    • Fall housing assignments will be shared around the middle of June. Please note that housing assignments could change until move-in day.

We have plenty of space on campus, so please do not worry.

  • What type of room will I live in?
    • The default room type for all incoming students for Fall 2025 is “Traditional Double”. To request an alternate room type (small single, large single) please indicate that in the free text box near the end of the application. Singles are very limited and most incoming First Year students should anticipate living in a double room with a roommate.
  • I have a documented need for medical accommodations, how can I make a request for those accommodations?
    • All requests for medical accommodations must go through Student Accessibility Services at You MUST have documentation from a licensed professional outlining the specific reason for accommodation as well as recommendations for accommodation.
    • Depending on the accommodations, the assignment possibilities may be limited to a specific room, floor, wing, or building.
    • Emotional support animals that are used for therapeutic reasons are required to be approved through this process. Trained service dogs must also be approved through this approval process.
  • I can’t log into the application, what do I do?
    • Ensure that you are using your MaineStreet login, which is typically firstname.lastname – do not add the “”. Use the same password that you use for MaineStreet.
  • It’s still not working. What do I do now?
    • Try to open up your browser in a private/incognito browser to access the application.
    • Try to use Chrome as your browser.
    • Try clearing out your cookies/cache.
    • Use the UMS Account Password Change Tool
      • From your MyCampus account, select “UMS change password”, which is below the LaunchPad
      • The “UMS change password” box should have a lock as a photo
    • If you are still experiencing issues, please email for assistance. We will respond within one to two business days. Please do not panic; there is plenty of space available.
  • I have read everything above this- where is the link to the application?


  •  The Fall 2025 housing application is not yet available. Please reach out to Director of Student Life, Hope Shore (, or with any questions or concerns about your housing application.

Fall 2024 and Spring 2025 Room and Board Rates


Room Type Academic Year Cost Semester Cost
Traditional Double $4,890.00 $2,445.00
Traditional Double as a Single $6,254.00 $3,127.00
Small Double as a Single $5,656.00 $2,828.00
Traditional Single $5,378.00 $2,689.00
Suite Room Double $5,968.00 $2,984.00


Meals Per Week          Dining Dollars Included Academic Year Cost Semester Cost
Unlimited $125.00 $6,258.00 $3,129.00

Community Living & Student Conduct

We have designed the residential program at UMaine Machias to provide a safe and comfortable environment where students may live, study, socialize, learn and grow within a community of peers. Each resident is responsible for his/her own conduct and may live as he/she pleases as long as it does not interfere with the rights of others. The Residential Education staff is here to ensure that the rights of residents and the property of the university are not abused. The guidelines, expectations, and policies set forth in the Guide to Community Living have been established to ensure a safe and cooperative environment for all residents.

Residence Hall Staff

The residence hall staff includes the Director of Student Life, the Residence Life Coordinator, and a team of Resident Assistants (RAs) who work to support the needs of the residential students. The Coordinator is a full-time professional staff member who lives in the residence hall and is responsible for overseeing the community within the hall and its day-to-day operations. The RAs are paraprofessional (student) staff members who are each assigned to a specific floor. They are a resource for their residents and maintain a vibrant and safe community within the residence hall.

Visit the Resident Assistant Program page for more information.