Career Exploration

Students have the opportunity to explore a wide variety of courses and career connections before they choose a college or major.

This five-course, 14-15 credit pathway program designed to give non-matriculated students a set of introductory-level credits with a focus exploring a variety of career options. This curriculum supports students who are not sure what field they are interested in or major they wish to pursue. Students have the opportunity to explore a wide variety of courses and career connections.

Pathway Requirements (listed in suggested courses sequence):

  • ENG 101:  Composition & Presentation I (3 credits)
  • ENG 111:  Composition & Presentation II (3 credits)

Additionally, choose three from the following:

  • BIO 114:  Careers in Fisheries and Wildlife Management* (2 credits)
  • BUS 106:  Introduction to Personal and Business Finance or BUS 111:  Introduction to Business and Entrepreneurship (3 credits)
  • CRJ 101:  Introduction to Criminal Justice (3 credits)
  • EDU 112:  School & Community (3 credits)
  • PSY 110:  Introduction to Psychology (3 credits)
  • REM 110: Foundations of Recreation and Parks* (3 credits)

*On-campus Only

Learn more about our Bachelor’s Degree programs here.

Learn more about our Associate Degree programs here.