Psychology Institute
Psychology Institutesponsored by the Psychology and Community Studies program

The Psychology Institute is for high school students who are interested in the study of psychology and how it relates to our well-being.  We will explore the influence that music has on us and how to interpret our brain’s response to music.  Weather permitting, we will travel to a local beach to build our own natural soundscape. We will view demonstrations about how our sensory systems (hearing, vision, smell, etc.) may complicate our understanding of how we relate to other people. We will explore how to increase our awareness of how others may experience racism and poverty or other minority statuses.  Our current students report test anxiety as one of their number one barriers to success so we will help you learn strategies to overcome this.  Cost:  $300.  Scholarships are available.

Summer Institute Plus

Students interested in earning college credits have the option to enroll in an online course that will begin July 11. 

Psychology and Community Studies Institute Plus Intro to Psychology online: Attend the Summer Institute plus take PSY 110: Intro to Psychology (with Lois-Ann Kuntz) online from July 11-August 22.  PSY 110 provides an introduction to the scientific study of behavior including a survey of all the major areas of inquiry pursued by psychologists –history, methods, physiological aspects, perception, learning, memory, cognition, emotion, motivation, consciousness, personality, abnormal behavior and therapies, and social processes.  3 credits. In-State Cost: $375.*  Out-of-State Cost: $1800.*  Textbooks provided. Scholarships are available!

Psychology and Community Studies Institute Plus Forensic Psychology online: Attend the Summer Institute plus take PSY 219: Forensic Psychology (with Meghan Duff) online from July 11-August 22.  PSY 219 explores the application of psychological principles and techniques within a legal setting. This course will focus on ways in which psychologists work within legal contexts and how psychological techniques inform civil and criminal legal proceedings. Topics include the role of expert witnesses, determination of competency to stand trial, issues informing legal decisions on child custody, assessment of malingering, determination of civil competencies, assessing offenders, use of interrogation techniques and ethical issues that arise in this field. This course is appropriate for students interested in careers in criminal justice, as well as students who plan to work in health and human services with clients who are court-involved or adjudicated. Prerequisite: Intro to Psychology. 3 credits.  In-State Cost: $375* plus textbook costs. Out-of-State Cost:  $1800* plus textbook costs. Scholarships are available!

*Cost includes the $300 Summer Institute charge and the individual course costs.

Meet the Instructors

Lois-Ann Kuntz
Lois-Ann Kuntz

Summer Institute & Intro to Psychology Instructor

I started out wanting to be a medical doctor because I was sick a lot as a child and my doctor was wonderful. Dr. Muñoz kept pictures of all of us on her office wall. I went to college to be a medical doctor like her. I liked all my science classes in high school but I eventually became more interested in psychology and understanding human behavior as an undergraduate college student. I went on to advanced study after that and studied why people get motion sick which seems a funny area for a psychologist but I studied how people get information from the world outside their skin and how that gets understood in a person’s nervous system.

My quest is to apply psychological theory to real world problems for groups and individuals, and this is exactly what my students get to experience in my classes. When I’m not teaching and researching, I’m advisor for the campus LGBTQ+ student organization, the 100% Society, famous for the Rainbow Ball Weekend.  I’m also mom to four formerly feral cats and one sassy Keeshond rescue dog and I’m “G-Ma” to a precious 4-year old.

Lori Schneiders
Lori Schnieders

Summer Institute Instructor

I started my career as a special needs teacher. Teaching is something I wanted to do from the age of 8 when I lined up my dolls and stuffed animals and read to them. My path to college took a detour and I became a medical secretary and mom first. I was so excited when I got to finally start college that I did a double major triple minor, I just loved taking classes. I went on to get a masters degree in counseling psychology and became a school counselor. While on that path I fell in love with all things psychology and how being present for my students and walking their path with them helped make things a bit brighter in their lives so the next logical step was to get a doctorate.

As a counseling psychologist I don’t necessarily “psychoanalyze'” kids rather I was trained in a wellness model helping kids sort out for themselves the best path to be on. I also use expressive therapy modes in my practice and am excited to give you a taste of how music and psychology intersect. I’m also mom to an amazing son who is in the Army, his beautiful wife and the light of my life are my two super grandsons. You will see me around campus with my best buddy and service dog Princess and when she is not helping me walk she loves to give hugs and sloppy dog kisses.