Early College for International Students
The University of Maine at Machias seeks to provide greater access to early college opportunities for qualified international high school students. Students that complete an early college course will have grades placed on an official UMaine Machias transcript.
International students living abroad (non-US) need to complete an application through the Office of International Programs.
Step 1: Complete the application here.
Step 2: School counselors will need to complete the approval form here.
Important Financial Information
**For billing purposes the academic year runs from July 1st to June 30th. Students who choose to take more than 12 credits or students who go over their 12 credits will be charged the regular out-of-state tuition rate of $540/credit hour. It is the student’s responsibility to keep track of the number of credits they are taking per year.
Need Support?
If an international student is looking for guidance or support around specific issues such as advising, admissions, or immigration, please contact the Office of International Programs.
Phone: (207) 581–3437
E-mail: umm.international@maine.edu
Office Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m (Eastern Standard Time)