About the Counseling Center
Early intervention is the best predictor of success. The Counseling Center provides primarily short-term services to help UMaine Machias students develop improved coping skills to address emotional, interpersonal and academic concerns. We ensure strict confidentiality.
Mental-health based outreach and education is offered throughout the academic year.
How to schedule an appointment
Call 207.255.1343 or click on “Schedule an Appointment” to make an appointment. Students have the option of either meeting in person or teletherapy (via Zoom) for their appointment. Teletherapy allows students, located anywhere in Maine, to access counseling services. The initial appointment is an opportunity to talk confidentially about immediate concerns and reasons for scheduling the appointment. An assessment is completed to determine what services and/or resources would be most helpful. Some students find that talking with a counselor once is sufficient to resolve an immediate concern. If further counseling would be beneficial, additional appointments may be scheduled and/or a referral to another community resource may be made.
Currently enrolled students are eligible for this free service.
Concerned about a friend?
Students are welcome to contact the Counseling Center in person or over the phone to express concerns about a friend. The Counseling Center will reach out to the friend regarding the student’s concerns and will not release the student’s name. The student’s confidentiality will be maintained.
Issues commonly addressed
- Personal issues: stress, anxiety, depression, anger, loneliness, guilt, grief
- Relational issues: intimate and partnership concerns, sexuality, roommate problems, family issues
- Developmental issues: identity development, adjustment to college, life transitions
- Academic issues: performance anxiety, perfectionism, low motivation, underachievement
- Other issues: effects of trauma, sexual and relationship violence, concerns from childhood and adolescence, spiritual concerns, body image and disordered eating, lifestyle choices, and mild or moderate substance abuse problems.
Referrals for private therapy
If concerns exceed the scope of the Counseling Center’s short-term counseling focus or if recommended resources are not available at UMaine Machias, students are referred to private therapy or other appropriate community resources, the cost of which are not included in student fees. Student health insurance or other comparable insurance plans may reimburse part of those costs. Additional options may be available to help defray costs if a referral for private therapy is made.
Finding providers through a health insurance company
Most insurance companies have lists of their in-network providers on their websites. You can also get information about such providers by calling the phone number on your health insurance cards. You may need to know the specific plan to identify providers that you can see. Because of this, checking these sites can be particularly helpful:
- Mental Health Providers in Maine- https://www.findatherapist.com/local/maine/
- Better Help (online therapy + online support groups) https://www.betterhelp.com/
- Good Therapy (limited options) https://www.goodtherapy.org/
- Open Path (low cost options) https://openpathcollective.org/
- Regain (relational/couples counseling, online) https://www.regain.us/
- Psychology Today (psychologist + psychiatrist) https://www.psychologytoday.com/us
- Talk Space (online therapy + text) https://www.talkspace.com/
- There are many useful tools and forms of support on-line- https://umaine.edu/counseling/for-students/
- Sanvello, a respected, popular mental health app is offering free, premium access to its on-line and products during the covid-19 crisis: https://www.sanvello.com/coronavirus-anxiety-support/
Students, staff, and parents, may find useful some of the resources listed below.
- COVID-19 Mental Health Support Line for clinicians & first responders on the front lines: 866-367-4440 or 207-221-8196. For more information, click here.
- There are many useful tools and forms of support on-line. Click here to see a number of on-line support communities, programs, and mental health apps–many of them free.
- Sanvello, a respected, popular mental health app is offering free, premium access to its on-line community and products during the Covid-19 crisis. Click here to go to that website.
Information shared by you in individual or couples counseling sessions, or through testing, will be treated with the strictest confidentiality. Likewise, all participants in group counseling are asked to keep information shared by group members confidential. While information will not be released by Counseling Services staff outside the Counseling Office without your written permission, this counselor may confer with a clinical supervisor to be sure to make appropriate referrals and to improve the quality of services to you. The exceptions to the rules of confidentiality, as required by state law, include the following situations:
- Serious harm or threat of harm to self or others.
- Reasonable suspicion of child abuse, or abuse of an elder or an incapacitated person.
- If there is a valid court order which requires disclosure of information.
- If a client or guardian has voluntarily agreed in writing to the release of information.
- In defense against legal action or formal complaint which a client makes before a court or regulatory board.
- During supervisory consultation.
Should any of the above situations arise, your counselor will speak with you regarding these issues unless doing so would present undue threat of harm to the client or clinician.
Email and Phone Policy
Electronic mail (email) is not a safe means to transmit confidential information. If email is used as a means to communicate there is an inherent risk to confidentiality. Because confidentiality cannot be insured, and because of our belief in the importance of face-to-face contact, we discourage clients from communicating with their counselors on email. Changes in appointments can be made by phone, and with your permission by email. However, general therapy concerns should be discussed in person with your counselor.
Grievance Procedures
Clients have the right to discontinue services at any time. To ensure continued improvement of our services, we respectfully request notification of any concerns directly to the counselor, or to the Dean of Students.
The practice of Counseling is regulated by the Department of Professionals and Finance Regulations, and complaints may be registered by contacting:
Board of Counseling Professionals Licensure
35 State House Station
Augusta, ME 04333
(207) 624-8626
Helpful Resources
- Anxiety/Depression Information – www.adaa.org
- LGBTQ Information – www.glsen.org and www.lgbt.foundation
- Mental Health Assessment – www.ulifeline.org
- Self-Care/Stress Reduction Information – https://www.verywell.com/self-care-strategies-overall-stress-reduction-3144729
- Substance Abuse Information – www.samhsa.gov
- Veterans Information – www.mentalhealth.va.gov