Frequently Asked Questions

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There are multiple markets for visual artists and creative writers. The Creative Arts Program promotes artistic freedom and diverse modes of expression at the same time that it is committed to providing its students with the requisite skill sets to advance in their fields.

A professional internship is part of the coursework for the Creative Arts Program. Internships include work in journalism, museum curating, professional writing, public relations, and art installations. In addition, students obtain editing, layout, and design experience working for the university press.

Incoming students are eligible for a Presidential Scholarship, which is renewable, and continuing students have access to the Maxell Scholarship, Chenoweth Hall Scholarship, and NeCastro Scholarship. The Downeast Promise Program covers the cost of tuition and fees for eligible students from Maine. A number of paid work study positions are available for gallery/studio monitors, special project assistants, and teaching assistants.

With a degree in Creative Arts, you’ll be ready to work as a freelance or technical writer, an illustrator, a public relations specialist, an exhibition planner, a book designer. Add a certification in teaching to your degree, and you’ll be eligible to work as an instructor in elementary school, middle school, or high school. Students who have studied creative writing and visual art with us have gone on to become published authors, working artists, professional photographers, educators, or to move successfully into graduate school programs in order to teach at the college level, to curate museums, or land leading positions in publishing and design.

The Creative Arts Program has a professional book arts studio, gallery of the book, papermaking lab, painting studio, drawing and design studio, art gallery, permanent collections room, and performing arts center. In addition, the program has stewardship over the University of Maine at Machias Press.

Let the Adventure Begin