Machias Valley Swim Club: Narwhals

MVSC is a competitive swim club that trains swimmers in three different seasons:

Fall: September-November

Winter: December-March

Summer: May-July

The team ranges from 18-30 swimmers, and a waiting list is started at the cap of 30.  The team ranges in age from 6-18. Age and ability levels are associated with the grouping below. Each child is trained in a group, but with much focus on their individual stroke needs. In addition to creating beautiful and efficient swimming stroke we incorporate how nutrition, attitude and all around well being affects us in and out of the pool.  Goal setting and sportsmanship is talked to and taught by example regularly.

Mission Statement

To serve the youth of Washington County and promote the life long sport of swimming through a quality recreational and competitive experience. Our goals are to cultivate confidence and self-motivation in the sport by instilling good sportsmanship, self discipline, and respect for others.  Each child will be given an environment where they can strive to reach his or her greatest potential.


Head Coach

Lindsay McMahon

ASCA and USA swimming certified with 12 years of coaching experience.

For more info:

Phone: 255-1296


Swimmer Groups

Red: Beginner swimmers ages 9 and under that are still working on learning the fundamentals of each stroke but are proficient in at least one and have passed the deep end test.

Swimmers in this group are encouraged to attend a minimum of two practices per week.  This group is full at 7 swimmers.

Purple: Beginner-Intermediate swimmers ages 9-11 who have the the basic knowledge of all four strokes but are still working on refining those skills through drills. These swimmers are encouraged to attend a minimum of 3 practices per week and attend one swim meet per season.

Green: Intermediate swimmers ages 9-14 who are proficient in all four strokes and are continuing to gain speed and endurance through completing drills and learning to complete interval sets. These swimmers are encouraged to attend a minimum of 3 practices per week and one swim meet per season.

Orange: Orange swimmers ages 12-18 are advanced Swimmers with competition experience and a good mental attitude for achieving difficult goals seasonally and yearly.  Swimmers work towards their goals using a combination of drilling and interval sets as well as dryland and team building activities.



Team Tuition  (all swimmers must pay a USA membership yearly, it varies based on income, in addition swimmers pay team dues each season.)
Groups Cost
Red $180
Purple $250
Green/Orange $300
Low Income $100