Summer Institute FAQs


Who is eligible to attend the Early College GIS Summer Institutes?

The GIS Institute is open to rising sophomores, rising juniors, and rising seniors, including home school students. Maine residency is not a requirement.


How do I apply?

Step 1:  Student applies for GIS 204 in the ExplorEC Portal.  A completed student application includes the student signature, parent consent, and the school counselor’s approval (Maine students only).

Step 2:  Fill out all required forms.  You can download the forms here.   The UMM Early College office will also email all required and optional forms to the student and the parent where they can be filled out online through AdobeSign.

Step 3:  Once all the required paperwork is received the UMM Early College office will register the student for the GIS 204 course, admit them to the GIS Institute, and send a confirmation email.

All required forms must be filled out and returned along with a $25.00 deposit (Check Payable to UMM) to Christy Alley BEFORE a student will be enrolled in the GIS 204 course and officially accepted into the GIS Institute.


How many students will be accepted?

20 students will be accepted into the program.  You will only get a spot in the institute once we have received all the necessary paperwork as well as your $25.00 deposit.


What’s included in the cost?

The $325 for Maine DOE Aspirations qualified students covers the costs of scheduled activities outside of class time, meals, and overnight accommodations at Greenland Point.  Tuition for the GIS 204 course is waived.

The $463.25 for all other in-state, out-of-state, and international students covers the cost of the GIS 204 course (a special early college rate of $138.25 per credit hour) plus the costs of scheduled activities outside of class time, meals, and overnight accommodations at Greenland Point.


Are scholarships available?

Scholarship funding is available. If you wish to be considered for scholarship funding, then fill out the optional scholarship application.


How will I know if I get a scholarship?

After reviewing all scholarship materials we will contact you to let you know whether or not you received a scholarship.  All students will be required to pay at least $25.00 to attend.


How will I know if I have been accepted into the GIS Institute?

You will receive a confirmation email from the UMM Early College office.




My child has food allergies

In most cases, we can accommodate food allergies, provided our kitchen staff is given advance notice. Please contact us to discuss your specific needs.



Due to the increased prevalence of nut allergies, we have instituted a policy of not serving nut products in the meals we provide and ask all participants to refrain from bringing nuts or nut-related products into camp.

Due to the variety of programs and activities taking place at camp,  we can not guarantee that we are a nut-free facility for those with severe allergies but we are doing our best to significantly reduce the risk of nut-related reactions. Please feel free to discuss your specific needs or our policies.


My child has specific dietary needs

Please contact us to discuss whether we can accommodate them. Our chefs are often able to create options suitable for most dietary needs.  Include detailed dietary needs in your child’s medical history.


Can I bring food to camp?

We ask that no food is brought to camp. The main reasons for this request are:

  1. Some campers have severe food allergies
  2. Food stored in cabins can attract wildlife

We have a wide selection of food available at mealtimes together with healthy snacks during recreation times, plus additional energy-rich food & snacks provided for those on hiking trips or other extended adventure activities.

Can my child have a cell phone at camp?

Although we understand that many of our campers have cell phones, they are not allowed to have them at camp (outside of class time) for a variety of reasons.  Parents that need to contact their child may call our office.   This policy is for the safety of your camper.


A small period of homesickness is common with most new experiences. We do our best to orient campers quickly so they will become comfortable in the camp environment. Our staff is trained to help campers overcome being away from home.

Some hints for you to consider:

  • A positive pre-camp attitude is often the key to a successful camp experience. Prior to camp discuss things they can hope to get from their experience: new friends, songs and stories, learning about the natural world, good food, swimming, etc. Avoid telling your child they can come home “at any time” if things aren’t going well.

Camp Life

What should I bring?

Click here to download our recommended packing list.


Can our camper bunk with friends?

We attempt to put friends together in housing when indicated on the registration form or in correspondence with us prior to arrival at camp.  Remember, camp is a great place to make new friends and often strong friendships develop during the camp session.

Who are the counselors?

Our staff is chosen for their maturity, experience with youth, enthusiasm, and love of the outdoors. Some are former campers, many are from Maine,  many are college students and all are excited about camp. They participate in at least one week of staff orientation which includes safety/first aid, child development, program planning. All staff has thorough background checks through the University of Maine.


What if I have an accommodation need?

The University of Maine and the University of Maine at Machias are committed to working with all students/campers and participants to meet their housing needs in a community that values diversity and promotes the dignity of all. In complying with the letter and spirit of applicable laws and in pursuing its own goals of diversity, the University of Maine shall not discriminate on grounds of race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, including transgender status and gender expression, national origin, citizenship status, age, disability, genetic information or veteran status in employment, education, and all other programs and activities. Recognizing all individual needs are varied, our sincere desire is to have a comfortable and welcoming living arrangement for all our campers. Campers who would like individual consideration regarding housing assignments due to gender identity/expression, please contact Ronald Fournier at 207.665.2068.


Can campers do laundry?

Laundry facilities at camp are for bedwetting or extenuating circumstances.  Please send enough clothing to last the entire one-week session.


Should we bring money?

Campers will not need money during their programs.


My child lost something while they were at camp

While we do try to ensure campers go home with all of their belongings, inevitably some things remain. Please remember to label your camper’s belongings. Any items that are found are taken to our main office and the owners of labeled items contacted. All unmarked items are held till the end of the summer camp season.

If you discover that your child is missing anything, please contact us with a description of the item.


Can I call my child at camp?

If you have an emergency or concern for your child’s safety or well-being, please call the camp director:

Greenland Point: Ronald Fournier, 207.890.9524



My child takes medicines during the day

Each site has a health care provider who oversees all aspects of camper health care. All camper medicines are checked into the health care provider by parents/guardians during registration and are kept in our health center at all times (exceptions for inhalers and Epi-pens your child’s counselor will be assigned to carry these). Counselors are informed when their campers need to take medicines, we have a streamlined process for medication distributions.

Medical Care

In addition to a health care coordinator on-site, Greenland Point has standing orders with a local physician, and all staff is trained and certified in emergency care. If emergency hospital care is needed, we will take campers to Calais Regional Hospital  You will be notified if your child shows signs of illness or need medical care.

What first-aid/safety provisions do you have?

The majority of our staff are Wilderness First Aid Certified, Many are also Wilderness First Responders.   The balance of our staff is Red Cross first aid certified.  All staff is CPR / AED certified. All field staff teams carry a medkit on their person.

All swimming activities are overseen by certified lifeguards.