
SilverCloud is an online, self-guided, interactive resource that provides UMM Early College students with no-cost, confidential help for mental health issues and a stress management program 24 hours a day.

SilverCloud offers self-guided exercises to help users change their beliefs and behaviors so they are thinking and feeling better. SilverCloud’s evidence-based learning modules address:

  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Depression & Anxiety
  • Stress
  • Resilience
  • COVID-19
  • Insomnia & Sleep Issues

Sign up here.


Studies have shown that online cognitive behavioral therapy can provide an effective form of care for those who are highly motivated and experiencing mild to moderate symptoms. The program can supplement traditional therapy or visits to the (describe campus services, i.e. Counseling Center, zoom sessions, etc.) while some individuals may use it without seeing a counselor at all.


SilverCloud includes:


  • Interactive learning modules
  • Informational quizzes
  • Facts and quizzes about mental health
  • Secure online journaling
  • Tools such as mood monitoring, mindfulness, and a Worry Tool to build skills for managing mood 

SilverCloud is a flexible option that may be effective for students who experience mild to moderate symptoms. Each module takes an average of 40 minutes and automatically saves progress, so the modules can be completed at the students’ convenience. A referral from a mental health or medical professional is not required to use this free online service.

Most SilverCloud modules are interactive and consist of seven parts:

  1. Introduction: This introductory video helps clients decide if the module they selected is a good fit. After the first module, they’ll set expectations about what’s coming up. 
  2. Quizzes: These help gauge clients’ knowledge and deliver new information.  
  3. Main Content: These pages display the most important information and activities about the topic.
  4. Personal Stories: Personal stories based on real-life people, clinical knowledge, and experiences.
  5. Tools: Activities to help reinforce the information clients learned throughout the module.
  6. “Staying in the Present”: Many of the module topics discuss living in the past or thinking about the future. This activity uses the principles of mindfulness to help bring the user back to the present moment.
  7. Review: Clients are encouraged to reflect, set goals, and transition the information and skills they learned in the module to their day-to-day life.

All videos throughout the modules include closed captioning and complete transcripts.