Course Syllabus Outline


Policy & Procedure Manual


DATE: 06/18
SUBJECT: Course Syllabus Outline

UMM Course Syllabus Outline
Since the syllabus describes the essential aspects of the teaching and learning process, it should include all the following components. Specific content and form may vary by course and instructor.

  • Course Number; Title; Credits; Instructor; Term
  • Prerequisites
  • Course content summary (catalog description)
  • List of expected student learning outcomes (preferably stated in measurable terms)
  • Teaching methodology (e.g. discussion, lecture, lab, field work, studio, seminar)
  • Learning activities and assignments (e.g. readings, research paper, journal, class participation, oral presentations, quizzes, exams)
  • Statement on the amount of time the student should expect to spend on the course beyond the instruction time (consistent with the university definition of credit-hour –
  • Attendance policy (indicate any penalties or rewards)
  • Examination policy and schedule (including make-up procedure)
  • Method of evaluation of student performance (indicate clearly how a student’s grade will be determined)
  • Cheating & plagiarism policy (indicate penalty for violation of policy and reference the academic integrity policy –
  • Required materials and text(s)
  • Instructor information (Office location, Office hours, Phone numbers, e-mail). Instructors have at least one scheduled office hour for every three hours of teaching.
  • As detailed a schedule of topics and assignments by date as is reasonably possible
  • A statement on support for students with disabilities, such as:
    • “The University of Maine at Machias is committed to providing services to people with disabilities. If you have a disability and need accommodations please contact Zachary Benner, Accessibility Coordinator at or 207-255-1228. The office is located on the second floor of Powers Hall.”


During their first class, or before, students must receive a copy of the syllabus.  A copy should be posted on any course web site (e.g., Blackboard)
At or before the start of the semester a copy of the syllabus must be submitted to Academic Affairs Office in order for the syllabus to remain on file.
A copy of a faculty schedule card that includes the time and location of classes and office hours and any other pertinent information also needs to be filed with the Academic Affairs Office at the beginning of each semester.


The University of Maine at Machias is committed to making our campus a safe place for students. Because of this commitment, and our federal obligations, faculty and other employees are considered mandated reporters when it comes to experiences of interpersonal violence (sexual assault, sexual harassment, dating or domestic violence, and stalking) and discrimination based on gender, parental status, and pregnancy. Disclosures of interpersonal violence and gender discrimination must be passed along to Jacob Hanley, the University’s Deputy Title IX Coordinator who can help provide support and academic remedies for students who have been impacted. More information can be found online at or by contacting or 207-255-1245. You may also contact Dorianna Pratt, Interim Title IX Coordinator at .
If students want to speak with someone confidentially, the following resources are available on and off campus: Stacey Cherry with University Counseling Services (207-255-1343); Beth Russet with University Health Services (207-255-1275); 24 Hour Sexual Assault Hotline (1-800-871-7741); 24 Hour Domestic Violence Hotline (1-800-315-5579); Passamaquoddy Peaceful Relations (1-877-853-2613).”