Class Prioritizing Criteria

Page 407
DATE:  11/91, 7/95, 4/08, 8/12
Section:  Class Prioritizing – Criteria

Students will be admitted to classes on a first come, first served basis.  If a class is closed, students may place themselves on a Wait List by checking the “Wait List if Closed” box when adding classes to their MaineStreet schedule.  The system will indicate to the student their position on the Wait List.  No student may be added to a Wait List after the first day of classes for the term.
Before the start of the term, students on Wait Lists will be automatically moved into classes as space becomes available.  Students in any of the following situations will not be moved into the class

  • have holds which stop registration (i.e. Business Office, Immunization, etc.)
  • are already enrolled in another section of the class
  • have not met the prerequisites and who have not entered a permission number
  • would exceed the 18-hour limit if enrolled in the class

Students who are still on the wait list at the start of the term should present themselves at the first class to find out if the instructor has room in the class, which may be made available by non-attending students.  Students who are still on the Wait List when the term starts need to obtain the instructor’s signature on an Add slip and submit to the Registrar’s Office.  Waitlisted students are accepted into the class on a space-available basis, in the order in which they were waitlisted.
Students who request to enter a class after Wait Lists have closed must obtain the permission of the instructor on an add slip, or ask the instructor to send written permission to the Registrar’s Office via email (