Professional Development

PAGE: 311
TOPIC: Professional Development

Appointment, promotion, and the granting of tenure are the results of attainment of certain prescribed levels of academic accomplishment, with the expectation of continuing professional growth and improvement on the part of the individual concerned. The criteria for tenure or advancement in rank are listed in Article 10 of the UMS/AFUM Agreement (l98~92) and may be supplemented by a division as allowed by the provision of the UMS/AFUM Agreement and with the approval of the President.
It should be noted that professional development is important both before and after the fact of such awards. This professional development may include the following:

  • continued work toward the highest degree normal to a disciplinary area for those who have not yet attained it,
  • a program of personal development through reading,
  • attendance at meetings and workshops, publications,
  • or any other method of keeping abreast of the latest developments in a field of study.

This kind of personal development program is one of the prime supports of good teaching. Such development should be self-initiated, administration encouraged, structured, and continuous. These assumptions are based on the observation that, if we really believe in the education of students, we must be involved continually in furthering our own. It applies to all faculty members in all ranks and at all levels of employment status. Furthermore, the administration of the University of Maine at Machias believes in continuing faculty development and is willing to provide as much help as is possible to promote a program of continuing faculty development at all levels.