Other Leave

PAGE: 321
DATE: 89-92
Section: Other Leave

Leave of Absence With Pay (Retraining Leave)
A leave of absence with pay may be granted to any faculty member at the discretion of the President, Vice President for Academic Affairs, and the appropriate division chair when such leave is for specialized training or retraining purposes which is clearly in the best long-range interests of the University of Maine at Machias. Such leaves of absence with pay are not restricted in terms of duration of time except as circumscribed by the purpose of leave1 but they my not exceed one academic year in length. The same fringe benefits mentioned under “Sabbaticals” also apply to the leave of absence with pay.
Leave of Absence Without Pay
A leave of Absence without pay may be sought by any faculty member after serving one year on the faculty of the University of Maine at Machias. All fringe benefits may be continued during the leave of absence at the faculty member 5 expense, even though the faculty member is receiving no pay. The faculty member must pay the cost of these benefits, and make the necessary arrangements in the Business Office in writing after securing the approval of the Vice President for Academic Affairs. The Vice President will present the request to the President for his consideration and approval.
A faculty member accepts a leave of absence with the understanding that he/she will return to the faculty of the University of Maine at Machias for at least one year immediately following the leave of absence, and that he/she is entitled to resume his position upon return.
The individual on leave is entitled to receive any cost-of-living increase in salary which may be granted during his/her leave, but is not entitled to any raise which might have been granted during the leave. The year on leave of absence may not be counted as a year of service to the University. (See Article 18, C.2. of UM/AFUM Agreement, l989-92.)
Disability and Childbearing
A unit member who is unable to perform duties because of a disability may use any and all accrued leave credits. A “disability” shall be defined as any physical or mental impairment of health1 including an impairment resulting from pregnancy, which disables a unit member from the full ad proper performance of duty. (UM/AFUM Agreement, l989-92, Article 18, D. (pp. 34-36)
Jury Leave
Leave for jury duty mist be arranged with the Vice President for Academic Affairs depending on the length and type of jury duty. Every effort must be made in the event of jury duty to assure continuity of classes. The precise arrangements must be worked out between the Vice President for Academic Affairs, the appropriate division chair, and the faculty member concerned. (See Article 18, E.1., UM/AFUM Agreement, l989-92.)