Evaluations of Full-time Regular Faculty

PAGE: 304
TOPIC: Evaluations of Full-time Regular Faculty (AFUM Agreement)

Evaluation and Recommendation, according to the UMS/AFUM Agreement





Evaluation Probationary Period.
Annually but timely for recommendations (10.C.1)
Every 4 years
For Peer evaluation, criteria are set by Division with Administrative approval.
General guidelines set by UMS/AFUM Agreement, but criteria not limited to UMS/AFUM list (10.B.1)
Peer process established by Division with Administrative approval.
Evaluators meet with the faculty member being evaluated.
Evaluation and Response go directly from the Peer Committee to the Personnel File (10.C.4 & 5)
Improvement of performance
Basis for personnel recommendations by Department, Division, or other appropriate unit (10.A)
Recommendation for Reappointment On timetable set by the contract, dependent on the year of the probationary appointment. Evaluation criteria are the “primary” criteria (7.B.2). Division Chair tells appropriate Peer Committee 4-6 weeks before deadline for submission of recommendation.
Recommendations are based on personnel file (including student evaluations which are part of that file) and other materials that the committee feels relevant.
The faculty member is given a chance to meet with the committee.
Division Chair holds Peer Committee recommendation for seven days and forwards it, with any response, to the appropriate administrative body or office. The administration determines what other parties recommend.
The recommendation is for a reappointment or non-reappointment.
Promotion and Tenure (See Article 9) Tenure. In the sixth year. A written request required from unit member to Division Chair by September 15.
Promotion. A written request required from unit member to Division Chair by September 15.
“[R]ecommendations of the faculty of the . . . division . . . shall be in accord with the criteria established in Article 10, Evaluations, and consistent with the applicable sections of Article 8, Academic Ranks.” Division Chair informs the appropriate peer committee and instructs them of their responsibilities by September 25.
Peer committee shall have access to the personnel file.
The faculty member is given a chance to meet with the committee.
Division Chair receives the recommendation (majority and minority, if any) by November 10. Recommendation must be signed by all participating committee members and a tally of the vote provided, including any abstentions.
The Division Chair holds Peer Committee recommendation for seven days and forwards it, with any response, to the appropriate administrative body or office. The administration determines what other parties recommend.
The faculty member receives a copy of the recommendation at the same time it is forwarded.
Final administrative recommendation/decision is transmitted to the faculty member no later than February 28.
Recognition and reward for meritorious service in keeping with the criteria of evaluation, the standards of the institution, and the mission of the university.