Academic Affairs Committee
Policy & Procedures Manual
DATE: /90, 06/00, 03/05
SECTION: Academic Affairs Committee Charge
The Academic Affairs Committee is responsible for reviewing academic policies and for proposing either changes or new policies needed to clarify existing practices, improve administrative processes, or otherwise benefit student experience. Such reviews are conducted when requested by faculty, the Vice President for Academic Affairs or other administrator. The committee will bring its recommendations to the full faculty. If the faculty endorses the recommendation, the President of the Faculty will forward it to the administration.
- Review and recommend revisions of all academic policies and practices including but not limited to:
A. Academic appeals
B. Academic residency requirements
C. Course add/drop/withdrawal
D. Course substitutions and waivers
E. Credit for developmental coursework (numbered below 100-level)
F. Dean’s List criteria
G. Final exam week and related policies
H. Grading policies (including grade forgiveness, pass/fail, audit, incomplete policies)
I. Probation/Suspension/Dismissal criteria
J. Eligibility criteria for participation in commencement
K. Transfer credit policies (including CLEP, foreign credentialing, credit for prior learning, etc.)
- Academic Integrity. The committee will review the Policy on Student Academic Integrity. The committee will ensure that students and faculty are informed of the definitions, policies, and practices related to plagiarism, cheating, and fabrication.
- Academic Appeals. The committee will hear academic appeals for academic suspension and dismissal.
- Academic Advising and Student Retention. The committee will, in conjunction with the Office of Academic Affairs, review policies and practices related to student advising and retention.
- Academic Calendar. The committee will communicate to the administration faculty expectations for the structure of the academic calendar.
- Academic Admissions Standards. The committee will review proposed changes in academic admissions standards.