Academic Advising
All undergraduate students at the University of Maine at Machias (UMaine Machias) have the opportunity for one-on-one academic advising from faculty members in their program of study. Once enrolled, you will be assigned a faculty advisor within your major who will continue to advise you throughout your college career.
When a faculty member advises the same student each semester, a relationship develops and the student trusts and heeds the advice that is given. Our hope is that you will create this relationship by meeting with your advisor on a regular basis. Through the connection you make with your faculty advisor, you will stay informed of the proper sequence of classes to take to meet your requirements necessary to earn your degree. Faculty advisors will help you register for classes, monitor your progress throughout the semesters, and discuss your career goals and future plans and objectives.
Another important role that the Advising Center has available on campus, is the Student Success Coordinator, located in Torrey Hall, office 225B. Lori McBrine will help you with questions regarding academic policies and procedures, provide you with ideas for interventions and support services, and implement appropriate student assessments . A good general rule is that if you need help and are not sure where to go, your first stop is to visit the Student Success Coordinator who will answer your questions and point you in the right direction!
Frequently Asked Questions
How do I register for classes?
Contact your faculty advisor to register for class. Faculty advisor assignments are listed in the MaineStreet Student Center on the right-hand side of the page in a blue box near the bottom.
What is MaineStreet and how can I access it?
MaineStreet is UMaine Machias’ student information system. This is where you will go to access your grades, your schedule, your financial aid package, and where you will go for information on classes that are offered in a given semester. When you enroll at UMaine Machias, you will be sent activation instructions for your MaineStreet account. If you have not yet activated your account, you may do so at the Account Activation webpage (External Site).
Access MaineStreet via your portal at (Portal Website). If you don’t have a username and password, you should contact our Help Desk by calling (207) 255-1237.
Can I register for classes on my own?
You cannot register for classes without obtaining a PIN number from your advisor. We want to make sure that you are picking the correct classes.
How do I get my PIN number?
Students can only get a PIN number by consulting with an advisor about courses.
How do I make changes to my schedule?
You can add/drop courses on your own during the add/drop period in our MaineStreet Student Center. You can add courses through the end of the first week of classes. You can also see Drop and Withdrawal deadlines for any class by clicking on the Calendar icons on your MaineStreet Class Schedule. However, you should discuss any changes with your advisor.
In general, for semester-long classes you have…
- one week to add a class without instructor permission
- an additional two weeks to add a class with instructor permission
- after the third week of classes you can only add a class with approval from your advisor, the instructor, and the Provost/Assistant Provost.
- two weeks to drop a class
What follows is the more detailed descriptions:
- Adding Courses
No student may add a course after the start of the fourth class hour of that class without the written approval of the instructor and their advisor. For most semester-long classes the add deadline is one week after classes begin. (i.e., Fall 2015 classes started on 8/31 and the last day to add was 9/6 at 11:59pm.) For courses which do not run the full length of the semester, the add deadline is the 7% point of the course (equivalent to first week of a normal semester). You can click on the calendar icon in MaineStreet Class Schedule to find out the exact date. You can add courses through MaineStreet OR by using the Add/Drop Slip. - Late Course Adds
If you wish to add a semester-long course after the end of the third week, then you must complete a Late Course Add Form and obtain the written approval of the instructor, your advisor, and the Provost or Assistant Provost. You must indicate the compelling reasons for adding a course this long after the add deadline. You and the instructor must also indicate on the form the manner in which you will make up the work missed at the beginning of the semester. - Dropping Courses
If you are not withdrawing from school completely, then you may reduce their course load without any financial penalty through the first two weeks of the semester. (i.e., Fall 2015 classes started on 8/31 and the last day to drop was 9/13 at 11:59 pm.) Dropping a course during this period will leave no record of the course on your record. Courses can be dropped by you through MaineStreet OR by using the Add/Drop Slip. - Course Withdrawal
After the drop period has passed, you may withdraw from a course using the Course Withdrawal Form. You will have a W on your transcript for the class and still must pay for it.
I need to withdraw from school for the semester. What do I do?
If you need/want to withdraw for the semester then you must fill out a Semester Withdrawal Form and meet with a faculty advisor. If you plan to come back to UMaine Machias the next semester or next academic year, then you also need to fill out the Application for Leave of Absence.
How do I get in touch with my faculty advisor or instructor? How do I know their office hours?
- You can look on your syllabus for office hours and contact information.
- You can also search for the instructor’s faculty page in the directory.
How many credits do I need to be a full-time student?
Full-time enrollment is defined as 12 credit hours or more (usually, four classes) in a given semester. However, in order to earn a two- or four-year degree on time, typical full-time enrollment is 15 credit hours a semester. Remember, dropping below full-time enrollment (fewer than 12 credits) will impact your financial aid eligibility and your ability to live on campus.
What is a prerequisite? How do I find out what they are?”
Prerequisites are courses or other requirements that must completed before another class can be taken. For example, in mathematics students must complete Pre-Calculus before they are able to take Calculus. You can find a list of what the prerequisites for a given class by looking the class up in MaineStreet. All prerequisites are listed in the course descriptions on MaineStreet or in the course catalog.
You may sometimes see something called a corequisite instead of a prerequisite. Corequisites are classes which can be taken at the same time as another class.
How do I see my schedule?
You can access your class schedule by logging into MaineStreet and going to the Student Center page. You can click weekly schedule for a visual weekly view or click my class schedule for a list view. Classes which you are registered for will appear in a list, with the times, days, location and professor all listed.
What is a hold?
A hold is basically an electronic lock which is placed on your account. Some holds will freeze your enrollment (preventing any change to the class schedule) and will often prevent the Registrar’s Office from being able to produce transcripts. These holds are placed on your account for a number of reasons, such as failure to pay a bill, failure to provide immunization records, etc. If you have a hold, then you should immediately contact the office which has placed the hold.
If you log into your student center on MaineStreet, you will be able to see any holds which have been placed on your account. By clicking on the hold, you will be provided with information as to how the hold might be removed.
How do I get a tutor?
Free tutoring services are available in our Study Center located on the second floor of Torrey Hall, Room 225. Please contact Lori McBrine, Student Success Coordinator, or 255-1232, if you need assistance.
What textbooks do I need for my classes?
There are two ways that a student can find their books:
- Within your student center you can click on class schedule and then textbook information which is underlined in blue on the right side. You will then have to select your payment method. This is the easiest way to find your books since the books shown are the exact ones they need for their classes.
- Visit the online bookstore at (External Site). You will then click on online bookstore, order books, select payment method, and then select the courses you will be taking. You need to make sure you are selecting the correct section since many courses have more than one instructor.
How can I get verification that I am enrolled in classes?
If you need Enrollment Verification for insurance, loan deferment, scholarships or other purposes, then you can request one by selecting Enrollment Verification from the drop-down menu labelled “Other Academic” in your MaineStreet Student Center. Requests will be processed once a week, and mailed to the address indicated by the student.
You can also request an enrollment verification at the registrar’s office.
How do I change/declare my major, minor, concentration, or advisor?
You must complete a Change of Program Form, get your advisor’s signature, and return it to the Registrar’s office.
How do I stay in good academic standing?
In order to be considered in good academic standing, you are required to meet the following minimum cumulative and/or semester Grade Point Average:
Hours Attempted | Minimum Cumulative GPA |
0 – 15.99 Credit Hours | 1.5 |
16 – 29.99 Credit Hours | 1.6 |
30 – 59.99 Credit Hours | 1.7 |
60 – 89.99 Credit Hours | 1.8 |
90+ Credit Hours | 1.9 |
Why was I placed on probation?
You will be placed or continued on academic probation if your cumulative Grade Point Average (GPA) falls below the minimum specified for the number of hours you’ve attempted (see above). If your semester GPA is below a 1.5, regardless of their cumulative average, then you will also be placed or continued on probation.
Why was I suspended from school?
If you have been on probation for two consecutive semesters and fail to achieve the necessary minimum Grade Point Average, then you will be suspended for one semester. If you are a student who was accepted into the Transitions Program, then you will be suspended if you do not bring your cumulative Grade Point Average to the minimum specified for the number of hours you’ve attempted by the end of your second semester.
If you are academically suspended, then you must apply for readmission if you desire to return.