Author: jacqueline.leonard

A rainbow of colors depict a group of people outlines. The words Sexual Assault Awareness cicle it in black. A teal ribbon is in the center of the circle.

UMaine Machias events planned for Sexual Assault Awareness and Prevention Month in April

MACHIAS, Maine — In April, the University of Maine at Machias, in partnership with Aroostook Mental Health Services Inc.’s (AMHC)’s Sexual Assault Services and NextStep Domestic Violence Project, will hold events to raise awareness about sexual assault and prevention. The National Sexual Violence Resource Center’s 2024 theme, Building Connected Communities, “focuses on addressing social and […]

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Corner view of Powers Hall with trees and a statue on the lawn to the right.

University of Maine at Machias announces fall 2023 Dean’s List

The University of Maine at Machias recognized 100 students for achieving Dean’s List honors in the fall 2023 semester. Of the students who made the Dean’s List, 67 are from Maine, 31 are from 17 other states and 2 are from a country other than the U.S. To be eligible for the full-time Dean’s List, […]

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A photo of Lauren Wallace in front of mountains

Alumni Spotlight: Lauren Wallace

Home Town: Jonesboro, ME Graduation Year: 2022 Degree: Biology with a Wildlife concentration Job Position: Naturalist, Denali Park, Alaska Please tell us a little bit about what you are doing now. After I graduated from UMM in December of 2022 and completed my last interview out of the 15 jobs I applied for, I was […]

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A head shot of Gerry Zegers outside, he is wearing a baseball cap.

Gerry Zegers, UMaine Machias’ animal DNA detective

Gerry Zegers, associate research professor of biology at the University of Maine at Machias, knows that a career in biology is about more than just working in a lab. Zegers uses his DNA analysis skills to help solve wildlife-related crimes — and he is teaching his students how to do the same. Zegers moved to […]

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A sail boat on the lake with blue skies.

Class of ’22 alumnus Caleb Dunn passes away

Caleb Dunn, an alumnus of the University of Maine at Machias, passed away unexpectedly on Dec. 24 at the age of 24.  Dunn, of Turner, Maine, earned a bachelor’s degree in outdoor recreation and leadership from UMaine Machias in 2022. He was an active member of Kappa Delta Phi during his time on campus.  Friends, […]

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Meghan is wearing a green and yellow button up shirt and they have eye glasses. They are surrounded by a number of sea creature stuffed animals.

Through teaching and writing, Meghan Duff strives to create safer spaces to learn

Meghan Wilson Duff spends their time trying to understand people. Coming from a background in clinical psychology, the associate professor at the University of Maine at Machias has found ways to connect with young people through teaching at the school’s tight-knit campus community, and also by writing a children’s book called “How Are You, Verity?” […]

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