Four finalists named for Vice President for Academic Affairs and Head of Campus position
Four finalists have been named for the position of Vice President for Academic Affairs and Head of Campus at the University of Maine at Machias (UMM). Between Nov. 16 and Dec. 6, the candidates will visit both the University of Maine at Machias and the University of Maine campuses.
The search, which has been under way since June, generated over 100 applications. Candidates selected for campus visits, including interviews, presentations, and meetings with campus leaders, community members and students, are:
- Dr. Richard Glejzer is the current Provost and Dean of Faculty at Marlboro College located in southeast Vermont. He previously served as the Chair of the English Department at North Central College located in the suburbs of Chicago. Dr. Glejzer has a Ph.D in English.
- Dr. Elizabeth Mauch will visit from Bloomsburg University in central Pennsylvania, where she is a Professor of Mathematics. She most recently held the position of Dean, College of Education at Bloomsburg University. Dr. Mauch’s doctoral degree is in Mathematics.
- Dr. Andrew Egan most recently held the position of Chancellor and Chief Academic Officer for Penn State Greater Allegheny. Dr. Egan is currently in Liberia with the Peace Corps on a one year posting at a higher education training institute. His Ph.D. is in Forest Resources.
- Dr. Heather Lattimer holds a doctorate in Education and spent the majority of her professional career at the University of San Diego as Program Coordinator, Department Chair and Associate Dean. She currently serves as the Executive Director for the Institute for Entrepreneurship in Education.
Each candidate will spend a half day at the University of Maine and a day and a half at the University of Maine at Machias. At UMM, each candidate will provide a public presentation on the following topic:
The current strategic plan for the University of Maine at Machias identifies the following as its first two strategic directions:
1. Nurture student success and engagement through well-designed academic, leadership development and retention strategies.
2. Enhance the university’s coastal identity by expanding education and public service connections with the communities and natural environments of Maine’s Bold Coast.
How do you see the relationship between these two directions? How should UMM set priorities that will enable it to pursue them effectively?
The presentations, followed by a question and answer period, will be held from 2:15–3:30 p.m., Science 102 building, University of Maine at Machias on the following days:
Dr. Glejzer — Friday, Nov. 17
Dr. Mauch — Wednesday, Nov. 29
Dr. Egan — Friday, Dec. 1
Dr. Lattimer — Wednesday, Dec. 6
Feedback forms for campus and community attendees will be available at each presentation and online. The feedback form submission deadline is 4:30 p.m. Dec. 15.
Additional information about the candidates is online. Videos of each of the presentations also will be online on Dec. 7.
For more information or questions, contact Michelle Hale, Human Resources Partner, michelle.hale@maine.edu.