University of Maine at Machias announces fall 2024 Dean’s List

The University of Maine at Machias recognized 68 students for achieving Dean’s List honors in the fall 2024 semester. Of the students who made the Dean’s List, 40 are from Maine, 27 are from 16 other states and 1 is from Canada.

To be eligible for the full-time Dean’s List, a student must have completed 12 or more calculable credits in the semester and have earned a 3.50 or higher semester GPA. Students who have part-time status during both the fall and spring semesters of a given academic year are eligible for part-time Dean’s List. They must have completed 12 or more calculable credits over both terms and have earned a combined GPA in those terms of 3.50 or higher.

*Please note that some students have requested that their information not be released; therefore, their names are not included.

Last Name First Name City State
Alley Katie Jonesport ME
Beach AJ Lee ME
Bestwick Angelina Jonesboro ME
Boyle Rowen Pleasant Ridge MI
Brennan Aidan Wakefield MA
Butler-Rogers Aryannah Sorrento ME
Clark Cassidy West Gardiner ME
Conermann AJ Washington DC
Cooley Evan Boon MI
D’Alessandro Rachel Wassaic NY
DeMello Roger Millinocket ME
Dunn Henry Addison ME
Ferguson Lydia Richmond VA
Flint Robert Orono ME
Fox Kim Hampden ME
Francis Kevin Eastport ME
Gabrielli Chase Bristol CT
Garcia Esperanza Lisle IL
Getchell Jordan Wilsons Beach NB
Gonzales Dana Harrington ME
Graten Mackenzie Gouldsboro ME
Hadley Colleen Rutland VT
Hall Samantha Westland MI
Hedden Reilly West Cornwall CT
Henderson Gracelyn Machias ME
Hutchings Danny Amesbury MA
Jackson Hunter Machias ME
Kemler William East Meadow NY
Kennedy Abbe Ellsworth ME
Kennedy Amber HANCOCK ME
Kittell Hayden Swanton VT
Kneeland Jonathan Groton MA
Kyllonen Ollie Machias ME
Lauze Naomi Roque Bluffs ME
Leighton Maggie Winter Harbor ME
Leslie Jameson Harrington ME
Littlejohn Molly Clifton Park NY
Mclaughlin Samara Perry ME
Mercier Tobin Sahuarita AZ
Miller Bev Meriden CT
Mills Joanna Martinsburg WV
Morrell Ellie Limerick ME
Mowery Liz Jonesport ME
Nichols Matt Jonesport ME
Norris Teagan Farmington MN
Penney Tamara Baileyville ME
Phiri Andsen Alexandria VA
Piccuito Dom Plymouth MA
Plotts Cali Greer SC
Prenier J. Machias ME
Ramlo Gretchen Brookings SD
Ramsaran Ravena Silver Spring MD
Regan Sarah Wesley ME
Rollins Mia Calais ME
Ross Cheyenne Gustine CA
Sandler Amerah South Berwick ME
Sawtelle Keaton Trescott Twp ME
Scott Kiesha Eastport ME
Sliger Dani South Portland ME
Soctomah Emma Princeton ME
Soctomah Stanley Pleasant Point ME
Sternberg Kalli Machias ME
Sylvia Mileena Machias ME
Thomas Elaina Sullivan ME
Towne Emelia Kennebunk ME
Warren Jake West Lafayette IN
Warwick Lillian Jonesport ME
Williams Jessica Pembroke ME