Incomplete Policy

An Incomplete is a temporary grade indicating that specific arrangements have been made with the instructor to complete work by a later date not to exceed 210 days after the end of the term. An “I” which is not removed by the prearranged date is replaced with the grade specified on the Incomplete Grade Contract. If no grade is specified, the Incomplete is turned to an “F.”

Students who wish to arrange to take an Incomplete for the semester should consult with the faculty member teaching the course. If the instructor agrees that an Incomplete is appropriate, the instructor will complete an Incomplete Grade Contract in MaineStreet which specifies the following:

the work to be completed by the student
the date by which the student will complete the work
the grade the student will receive if the work is not completed.

The Registrar’s Office waits until 210 days after the end of the semester in which the Incomplete was given, then changes any remaining Incomplete grades to the grade specified on the Incomplete Grade Contract. If no grade is specified, the Incomplete is turned to an “F.”

When is an Incomplete appropriate?

If a student has completed almost all the requirements for a course, but has a compelling reason for not being able to complete the rest of the requirements on time, an Incomplete may be appropriate.

If a student has not completed most of the work for a course, an Incomplete is not appropriate.  The student should receive the grade he/she earned for the course, or an “L,” with last date of attendance/participation, if appropriate (for students who disappear from a course).  Any student who receives an “F” or an “L,” and who wishes to retake the course, needs to register for the course during a subsequent term in order to participate in the class.

Does an Instructor have to give an Incomplete?

No.  Instructors are not obligated to give a student an Incomplete grade.

How soon will the grade be changed?

Students need to be aware that it may take the instructor some time to evaluate late work.  The instructor is under no obligation to issue the final grade for a course immediately upon receipt of the late materials.

The Registrar’s Office waits until 210 days after the end of the semester in which the Incomplete was given, then changes any remaining Incomplete grades to the grade specified on the Incomplete Grade Contract. If no grade is specified, the Incomplete is turned to an “F.”