Public lecture on coastal community resilience
On Wednesday, October 17, at 6 p.m., Dr. Heather Leslie will deliver a public seminar on the topic of coastal community resilience. She will describe how she and other scientists in Maine and worldwide are developing the knowledge and collaborative networks needed to ensure that coastal communities and ecosystems thrive in the future. She will highlight recent work she has led in Maine and in northwest Mexico related to small-scale fisheries and their responses to environmental and economic change. She also will introduce the Alliance for Maine’s Marine Economy, a statewide network of companies, organizations and individuals dedicated to the growth of a vibrant marine economy, and highlight impacts of the Alliance on Maine companies and communities. Co-founded by UMaine, UMM and more than 20 other institutions statewide, the Alliance’s mission is to ensure that Maine seafood, fishing and aquaculture industries and the natural and innovation ecosystems on which they depend are healthy and benefit Maine people.
Dr. Leslie is Director of the Darling Center at the University of Maine and a Libra Associate Professor of Marine Science. Her talk is sponsored by the Margaret Chase Smith Policy Center and UMM with support from the Libra Foundation. The event will take place in room 207 of UMM’s science building and is free and open to the public.