Information sessions announced for 2020 trip to Greece, Italy
The University of Maine at Machias will sponsor a 10-day guided tour of Greece and Italy in March 2020 and will hold two information sessions about the trip on Monday, Sept. 23 and Wednesday, Sept. 25, 6–7 p.m. in Torrey Hall, Room 221.
The trip will be led by Kay Kimball, Deputy Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs at UMaine, and Rose Mondville, Executive Assistant to the Head of Campus at UMM, and is open to all community members (except for young children). The planned itinerary includes guided sightseeing tours and visits to special attractions such as the Sistine Chapel, Pompeii, and the Colosseum of Rome.
A full itinerary will be provided for each day, and round-trip airfare, meals and hotel accommodations will be included in the cost. UMM students may qualify for financial aid if they enroll in one of the classes associated with the trip: ENG 330, HTY 330 or ART 220.
More details can be viewed at the Explorica tour page. For more information, contact 255.1210, or email Rose Mondville, mondvill@maine.edu, or Kay Kimball, kkimball@maine.edu.