Student Documentary in the News
MaineToday Magazine published an article about a film created by University of Maine at Machias students in Alan Kryszak’s Down East documentary class. The semester-long film project, “Who Made You in America?,” focuses on the current state of the immigration debate in Maine and elsewhere, according to the article. Since a diversity of viewpoints was necessary, Kryszak said interviews were arranged with a variety of Mainers in the Machias area who were willing to talk to him and his student filmmakers. The main message that Kryszak and his students took away from the process of making the film — and the message he hopes viewers will take from it — is that you can’t take anyone’s opinions for granted, no matter what they look like, or where they’re from, the article states. Machias Valley News Observer advanced the film’s premiere at the UMaine Machias Performing Arts Center at 2 p.m. Feb. 18. The free public screening will be followed by a panel discussion led by Kryszak and featuring several students.