Forest Ecology Director of Schoodic Institute to Deliver Lecture on Potential Changes to Forests
The second in the annual Roque Island series of lectures on Environmental Conservation will be presented on Wednesday, November 15th at the University of Maine at Machias. Dr. Nicholas Fisichelli will present a lecture “Seeing the Future Forest Through the Trees: Potential Changes and Management Responses.” The lecture, sponsored by the Eastern Maine Conservation Initiative and the University of Maine at Machias, will be presented at 6:30pm in room 102 of the Science Building at UMM. The presentation is free and open to the public.
Dr. Fisichelli describes his talk by saying, “Changes are afoot; how might forests respond? How can forest managers respond to ongoing and projected changes? This talk examines potential forest changes and the spectrum of adaptation options to manage under changing times.”
Dr. Fisichelli is currently Director of Forest Ecology for the Schoodic Institute at Acadia National Park. He received his PhD in Forest Ecology from the University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, and his Bachelor’s degree in Resource Ecology and Management from the University of Michigan. Nick focuses on natural resource dynamics and protected area management in a continuously changing world. This includes scientific research, education, and stewardship outreach with an emphasis on understanding forest dynamics, ecosystem drivers, and global change stressors in the temperate-boreal transition zone.
The lecture series will continue on April 24, 2018 with Dr. Elizabeth Farnsworth.