Planning & Assessment

UMaine Machias Strategic Plan

As Maine’s Coastal University, UMaine Machias provides experiential learning integrated into the communities and ecosystems of the Bold Coast.  Our signature academic areas center around these tight connections, for example:

  • Students in Marine Biology experience the multiple marine environments of the ocean and estuaries.  They gain hands-on preparation with a broad range of organisms, finfish and shellfish aquaculture hatcheries, and commercial fishing operations.
  • Students and faculty in Psychology and Community Studies collaborate with public and non-profit agencies that promote social development for rural, coastal communities.
  • Project-based learning in Book Arts leads students in celebrating and advancing the literary and artistic heritage of Maine’s coastal life.
  • Students in Recreation and Tourism Management gain the hands-on expertise to develop and lead ecotourism programs along the coast and in the waterways and wilderness of the Bold Coast region.

Through this strategic plan, all programs will expand and deepen their connections with the coast and its communities.  Increasingly, academics and co-curricular programs alike will use the coast as a defining feature for all student experiences.

Students who seek an excellent liberal arts education with professional preparation gained through engagement with coastal environments and communities will find the University of Maine at Machias a perfect fit.

For the full text of UMaine Machias’ current Strategic Plan, click here.

FY2019 E&G Budget Overview Presentation

On December 14, 2017, Claire Strickland, Chief Business Officer at the University of Maine, visited the Machias campus to give an overview presentation of the Fiscal Year 2019 E&G (Educational and General) Budget.  Below is the video of the presentation.  You can also download a pdf copy of the powerpoint by clicking here.


Common Data Sets

The Common Data Set is a set of data elements which have been commonly defined by institutional researchers in order to provide consistent, meaningful data for comparison purposes.

UMaine Machias’ Common Data Set responses are based on data taken at the census date each Fall (October 15th).

Each data set is organized into the following categories:

  • A. General Information
  • B. Enrollment & Persistence
  • C. First-Time First Year (Freshman) Admission
  • D. Transfer Admission
  • E. Academic Offerings & Policies
  • F. Student Life
  • G. Annual Expenses
  • H. Financial Aid
  • I. Instructional Faculty & Class Size
  • J. Degrees Conferred


CDS 2019
CDS 2018 CDS 2009
CDS 2017 CDS 2008
CDS 2016 CDS 2007
CDS 2015 CDS 2006
CDS 2014 CDS 2005
CDS 2013 CDS 2004
CDS 2012 CDS 2003
CDS 2011 CDS 2002
CDS 2010 CDS 2001

National Survey of Student Engagement

Each year, universities and colleges across the country invite their students to participate in the National Survey of Student Engagement. This survey, conducted by a national educational organization, asks students to assess the nature of their educational experience. In 2020, UMaine Machias first-year students and seniors participated in the survey, and the results are below.

For a brief overview of the results please see the NSSE UMaine Machias Snapshot Report.

For a detailed report of student responses in five benchmark areas, combining responses to multiple questions, please see the NSSE Engagement Indicators Report.

The Benchmark report includes comparisons of UMaine Machias results to the results of groups of other universities. You may view a complete list of universities in the comparison groups.

Finally, for the most detailed report on question-by-question responses, providing both means and frequencies of results, with comparisons to groups of universities, please see the NSSE Frequencies and Statistical Comparisons Report.

UMaine Machias is committed to using results, such as those provided by the NSSE, to continually improve the quality of our students’ educational experience.

Also available is an archive of previous NSSE results.