Faculty Absence Notification Procedures


Policy & Procedure Manual

DATE: 08/92, 03/01, 01/10
Subject: Faculty Absences Notification Procedures

A faculty member who has a planned absence must make arrangements in advance with the Division Chair and then notify Academic Affairs.

In the case of an unanticipated absence, it is the responsibility of the individual faculty member to notify UMM as soon as possible. The instructor should call the Division Chair, the Academic Affairs office, or one of the faculty assistants. Normally in the case of an absence of a day or two, any face-to-face classes are cancelled. The person receiving the call coordinates posting signs and alerting students, and relays the information to the Division Chair and the Academic Affairs office. The instructor is encouraged to maintain contact with the students to any extent possible.

When campus-based classes are cancelled every effort is made to notify commuting students. The faculty assistants attempt to call all the commuting students who have requested such a notification via the telephone listings collected by instructors at the start of the semester.

In the case of an extended instructor absence, the division chair will coordinate any alternate teaching arrangements, in consultation with the faculty member and VPAA.

Telephone Notification Listing Form