Courses in Biology

General Requirements

All University Core requirements must be met in addition to the Biology program requirements. Note that completion of some courses within the major, such as in mathematics, will also fulfill Core requirements. Students must earn a minimum of 120 credits and achieve a cumulative GPA of at least 2.00.

A minimum cumulative GPA of 2.00 in the degree program requirements is necessary for graduation. This GPA must be achieved by the completion of a total of 60 credits. If the student fails to maintain this average in subsequent semesters, a warning may be issued. A student may lose matriculated status if the average remains below 2.0 after the completion of another 12 credits. Students may petition to be readmitted to the program.

Program Requirements:

Course Number Course Name Credit Hours
BIO 117 This is Life! 4
BIO 118 Animal Life 2
BIO 119 Plant Life 2
BIO 245 General Ecology 4
BIO 334 Cell Biology 4
BIO 340 Evolution 3
BIO 353 Genetics 4
Select one pair from the following:
BIO 401-403 Senior Thesis 3
BIO electives at 200 level or higher 7
BIO 404-406 Senior Thesis in Research 6
BIO electives at 200 level or higher 4
BIO 410 Senior Seminar in Biology 3
BIO electives at 200 level or higher 7
Cognate course requirements
CHY 101 General Chemistry I 4
CHY 102 General Chemistry II 4
CHY 221 Organic Chemistry I 4
MAT 126 Calculus I 4
PHY 111 Physics I 4
Select one (4 credits) from:
MAT 127 Calculus II
PHY 112 Physics II