Alumni Spotlight: Joshua Kuester, ‘10

This week’s Alumni Spotlight shines on Joshua Kuester of Grand Lake Stream, formerly of Connecticut. Joshua graduated from UMM in 2010 with a degree in Environmental Studies. He is currently a fish culturist at the Grand Lake Stream State of Maine Fish Hatchery.


Tell us a little bit about what you are doing now:

My job responsibilities include; General care of nearly 100,000 fish per year, including feeding, cleaning, and disease management. Assuring that physiological quality as well as size quality of fish meet the standards set by the department. Maintaining a wild broodstock program to ensure future fish production.


What is the most valuable thing you learned while at UMM?

I think it had to be the labs. Going out into the field and getting that hands on experience. Its one thing to read about field techniques in literature, but when it comes to getting a job nothing beats already having the knowledge and experience to go out and collect quality information.


Do you have any advice for current students at UMM?

Get the most out of your education. Also, build connections with the people around you; e it fellow students, staff, or community members. The networks you build with people now, can help you advance your career further down the road.


How did your time at UMM prepare you for what you are doing now?

It gave me all the tools I needed to work and succeed in my chosen career. Including to help expose me to professionals working in my field of interest that could offer me advice on how to best get onto that career path. The staff at the University helped me focus my degree so I could get the most out of my education.


How has UMM made a positive impact on your life?

It gave me the proper building blocks to form a solid foundation from which to start a career.