Making your own Christmas ornaments and gifts can be fun and whether you are a crafty person or not, it’s easy. They make great gifts and have more meaning because they were made by you! Whether they’re glittery, colorful or simple scenes, each one is unique and reflects the joy with which they are made. Give it a try – you’ll be surprised what you can do.
Instructor: Suzie O'Clair has been very interested in all kinds of artistic venues: weaving, enameling, sandblasting, fabric arts and working with wood. She has always wanted to learn to crochet or knit and after finding knitting on the round and long looms, realized that the ease of working with this type of knitting can be done by people of all ages.
Class Information: This is an in person only class - held in the Undercroft of St. Aidan’s Church, 36 Dublin Street, Machias, ME.
This is a fee-based class and for this class only, Sunrise Senior College (SSC) will be purchasing the materials for all the students. MSCN and Non-Members will be charged $25.00 for the materials.
Sunrise Senior College (SSC) is a membership-based organization. Our SSC members receive special benefits as current members when they register for this course. Any member of another MSCN college is also able to enjoy this course, but may incur some additional charges. If you are a member of the general public, you can take this course but will have to pay additional fees associated with being a non-member. For any attendee that is not a current member of Sunrise Senior College, the materials required for the course are your responsibility. When checking out, please carefully read and answer the questions asked associated with this specific course so that you are charged appropriately for this class. Failure to do this may result in your being cancelled from the course. We hope you enjoy this offering.