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Courage: The Heart of Leadership

with Dr. Annabel Beerel

“The secret to happiness is freedom and the secret to freedom is a brave heart.” So said the great Pericles when honoring some of the dead during the Peloponnesian wars.

With the lack of leadership that seems endemic in the world today, it is more important than ever to understand the critical elements of effective leadership. Why not join Dr. Annabel Beerel as she discusses her journey and her personal hunt for courage and how, instead of finding courage, she found rampant corruption. She will discuss the information gathered and the background research that underpins her book on courage and leadership. Dr. Beerel will talk about the process of doing this research - what went into the surveys she created and what she learned in the interviews she held with twenty CEOs and senior executives. She will also discuss her interviews with independent journalists who have written about the current state we are in and how that helped form her ideas.  

In writing her book, Dr. Beerel says that Courage lies at the heart of leadership. Leaders need courage to make wise decisions, not self-interested ones. They need to be able to set aside their egos, to feel vulnerable, to face challenges, yet remain principled and hold the course. This book presents many suggestions on how to make a real difference in organizations, and explains how one can develop the courage to be an effective leader, step by step. Courage, we learn, is the foundation of happiness yet sadly, she found, it is greatly lacking in our rat-race, materialistic world. What she discusses applies to our governments as well as the leaders of the businesses and non-profits we depend on as we live our daily lives.

She will tell us about the hallmark of courageous action and how, although we have lost our sense of virtue and principles, we can find them again and cultivate them afresh to help us realize the happiness we all long for. 

Instructor: Dr. Annabel Beerel is a Leadership and Change Management Executive. Annabel has worked with multinationals, educational and non-profit organizations. She has been a Corporate Financier and Investment Banker in the City of London where she was actively engaged in business analysis, fund raising, merger and acquisitions and strategic planning. She founded and ran a highly successful international business in Artificial Intelligence. Annabel has held a Chair in Ethics and was an Interim Dean at Wellesley College in MA. In 2009, Annabel was the founder and President & CEO of the New England Women’s Leadership Institute, an organization that helps women advance in their careers and advises on organizational leadership capacity building.

Annabel holds a Ph.D. in Comparative Religion and Ethics, a Masters Degree in Creative Writing, a Masters Degree in Transformational Psychology, a Masters Degree in Theology, and has pursued Advanced Leadership Training at the J.F. Kennedy School of Management at Harvard University. Annabel holds an MBA with a focus on Corporate Finance and Strategic Management. She is also a qualified accountant, a certified Transpersonal leadership coach, a certified meditation instructor, and a certified spiritual counselor and grief counselor.

Recommended Reading: 



ISBN:                   _ISBN 10 -_ 103260560X


Class Information:  This is a hybrid class – Our presenter is remote but the class will be held in-person in UM@M’s room SCI 102 and via Zoom.

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This class is available to all current Maine Senior College (MSCN) Members. The general public not wishing to join Sunrise Senior College at this time may attend this class for a $20.00 fee.

Important:  If at this time you are not a current member of Sunrise Senior College (SSC) but are planning to join as a member today, make sure you answer that “Your SSC membership is current” when checking out so that we can properly bill you for this class. 

Sunrise Senior College (SSC) is a membership-based organization. Our SSC members receive special benefits as current members when they register for this course. Any member of another MSCN college is also able to enjoy this course, but may incur some additional charges. If you are a member of the general public, you can take this course but will have to pay additional fees associated with being a non-member. For any attendee that is not a current member of Sunrise Senior College, any materials required for the course are your responsibility. When checking out, please carefully read and answer the questions asked associated with this specific course so that you are charged appropriately for this class. Failure to do this may result in your being cancelled from the course. We hope you enjoy this offering.

Umm Science 102 & via Zoom

Room: 102
May 8th to 15th, 2025
Thu for 2 weeks from 4:00 - 5:30 pm