Plan your remote

Remote learning is right around the corner! Plan now to finish up the fall 2020 semester successfully — the finish line is in sight!

  • Remote learning begins Monday, Nov. 30. ALL Fall 2020 courses go online for the remainder of the semester plus final exam week.

  • Instruction continues! Faculty will be available remotely — if you aren’t sure when or how, contact Heather Ball ( for assistance.

  • Is internet access a concern? Check out locations statewide including Merrill Library and UMM Student Union —  where you can connect to the internet for free.
  • Merrill Library and the UMM Student Union (located in the Reynolds Center via Clipper Card access) will be open. Both have computers and wi-fi available.

  • If you experience difficulty with Brightspace, Zoom, or other technology, tech support is here to help!

Looking for tutoring? Our tutors are moving online, too

Looking for healthy and safety updates and other COVID-19 resources, including information about returning to campus in spring 2021? Visit (and bookmark) the Fall 2020–Spring 2021 website.