Awarding of Emeritus Rank

PAGE: 303
TOPIC: Awarding of Emeritus Rank –Criteria & Procedures
RESPONSIBLE OFFICE: Professional Relations Committee with Presidential Approval

A retiring faculty member will be considered for Emeritus rank by the Faculty Professional Relations Committee is response to a specific request from the President of the University of Maine at Machias or three full-time faculty members. The committee will evaluate excellence on the part of the faculty member in question according to the following criteria and procedures.

  • Dedication and contribution to the University and to education;
  • Length of service to the University (usually 15 years or more);
  • Contributions to his or her field;
  • Participation in campus life;
  • Esteem of students and colleagues;
  • Service to the community.

The consideration for awarding of Emeritus rank is similar in nature to considerations concerning promotions and tenure. Therefore, the procedures are similar, though not identical.
The Professional Relations Committee, upon receiving a request from the President or three full-time faculty members, will conduct a preliminary inquiry. If the results of the inquiry are favorable, the Committee shall make a full study of the matter, including conducting a secret ballot among the members of the Division in which faculty rank has been proposed and in which the candidate has held faculty rank. This report, along with the results of the written ballot, shall be presented to the Vice President for Academic Affairs. At the same time, the Committee will present its recommendation. The Vice President for Academic Affairs will review the Committee’s report and the results of the ballot and deliver this information, along will his/her own recommendation, to the President, who will make the final decision.
The President shall notify the Professional Relations Committee of his/her decision, in writing, within three weeks of receiving the report and voting results as submitted by the Committee.
Significance of Emeritus Rank
The awarding of Emeritus rank shall attest to the fact that the recipient has rendered meritorious and distinguished service to the University of Maine at Machias. It represents the extension of the resources of the University to that individual, so that he or she may continue to be an active and contributing member of the University community.
Emeritus rank is a singular honor, and entitles a retired faculty member to attend all college functions, and to participate or attend official University of Maine at Machias convocations and graduations. An Emeritus faculty member shall have his or her name included in all official faculty listings and on all faculty mailing lists.